January 12, 2025 - 9:00 a.m.


Welcome &
Ministry Focus

Call to Worship &
Pastor Lee Taylor

“Praise to the Lord (Joyful, Joyful)”

“All Creatures of Our God and King” (#115)

Sacrament of Baptism

Prayer for Tithes & Offerings

“His Glory and My Good”

Westminster Shorter Catechism Q 1-3

Reading of Scripture
2 Timothy 3:12-17 ESV

“The Blueprint for the Church”
Pastor Chris Hodge

“Thy Word”

Sent Forth & Benediction


Call 719-574-6700 if you know of anyone being admitted to the hospital due to illness or surgery.


  • Kelly and Kate Mulholland, Rodney and Jana Davila, Larry and Mandy Wilkes

  • To learn more about the missionaries we support, visit www.v7pc.org/world.

December 29 - 31
Weekly Yr-to-Date

General Fund Required $72,929 $3,792,308

General Fund Received $97,295 $3,405,462

Faith Promise Received $2,545 $194,9285


Share, Care, and Prayer

The Women's Ministry Prayer Team invites the church, both children and adults, to participate in their Share, Care, and Prayer initiative, running from January 12 to February 9. Fill out a prayer request card and leave it on the left side of the hallway between the church lobby and Leonard Hall. Additionally, take a card home to pray over during the week. Once you’ve prayed, please write your prayer on the back of the card and hang it on the right side of the hallway in the area labeled 'Prayed For.' This will encourage those who submitted prayer requests, knowing that they were prayed for.

Village Groups

Consider joining one of our Village Groups this spring. Village Groups are our church-wide adult, small group discipleship initiative. We believe that every adult member and attendee should consider joining a Village Group! Village Groups are built on four key components: relationships, truth, prayer and engagement. To learn more and join a Village Group, click below.

Fostering Hope Informational Meeting

We are excited to introduce our partnership with Fostering Hope. Fostering Hope is an organization that matches volunteers from a church with a foster family to provide support, encouragement, and love. We are building a team of volunteers from V7PC to partner with Fostering Hope in supporting foster families. A typical support team is made up of 4-8 people or households for one foster family. We would love for you to consider joining and invite you to attend our informational meeting today, January 12 from 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., in S2. Register using the link below.

Women’s January Term Bible Study - Colossians

We invite you to spend January marinating in the Christ-centered glory of Colossians. We hope that prizing the riches we have in Him leads you to worship our Savior Jesus Christ, which prayerfully will overflow in Christ-centered love and service to others. Women’s Bible Study January Term is a fresh start in the New Year to jump in, make new friends, and be nourished in God’s Word.

We will meet four Wednesday evenings 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., starting January 8 (child care available) OR four Thursday mornings 9:00 - 11:30 a.m., starting January 9.

Sunday, January 12, is the last day to register, so make sure to reserve your spot now!

“Been There Before” Parent Get-Together

Calling all parents of teen kids who are seeking advice in their parenting journey. We welcome parents of older, graduated children to encourage and share wisdom with younger parents in helping them through parenting struggles with their Jr. and Sr. High kids.

Contact Darren Terpstra at dterpstra@v7pc.org with any questions.

January 18 | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. | Student Center

Men of 7: Bible & Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast is currently meeting through May 7.

  • Date: Wednesday mornings, 6:30 - 7:30 a.m.

  • Location: Room L10 (enter from the west side)


Village Moms
Jan. 14 - May 5 | 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. | Room L10

Large Group Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Planning Meetings: 3rd Tuesdays

Cost for Fall & Spring Semesters: $80 | Child care provided ages 0 - 5
Contact: villagemomsv7pc@gmail.com

Andrew Friedrichs, Worship Leader; Diane DeJong, Organ and Keys; Charles Burke, Acoustic Guitar; Tony McGee, Bass Guitar; Aaron Crews, Drums; Joe Torres, Electric Guitar; Caleb Belonga, Trumpet; Jorrie McGee, Violin; Debra Halverson, Julia McElhany, Katherine Jordan, Monica Thampy, Taylor Lopez, Vocals

Announcements deadline for the bulletin is Monday 12:00 p.m.
Please go to the Ministry Support Page and fill out the Communications Request Form. Thank you!

Have a question? Email communications@v7pc.org.